Success with our latest grant!

Okay, so it’s not really a grant but more of a package but still we’re really excited to have been successful with our application to Keep Wales Tidy and their Local Places for Nature project. EcoDewi has been awarded a Community Development Package, specifically a Community Food Growing one. And of course, everything in that package will go directly to the St Davids Garden Project and to the new community garden that we are helping to establish with St. David’s Cathedral.

So, what does that package include? Well, a huge range of things really but the highlight are a greenhouse, loads of tools, loads of plants & seeds include wildflower turf, a small tool shed, benches and books! This is going to make such a difference to our garden and to get things going.

The only slight hitch is we have to be able to receive and install most things by the end of February … eek! But, with our amazing volunteers we are committed to getting this done. A huge thanks to Keep Wales Tidy for believing in our project and giving us all this support. If you want to find out more about the St Davids Garden Project you can email us at or check out their Facebook page at by clicking HERE.

Posted in News, St Davids Garden Project.

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