St Davids Garden Project is LIVE!

We are so excited to announce that work has begun to clear a neglected and overgrown walled garden before transforming it into a fantastic community garden!

The walled garden is down by St. David’s Cathedral along The Close and is owned by The Representative Body of the Church in Wales. The plot has been a garden for centuries and has had many users over the years including being the original site of the St. David’s Garden and Nursery, now located on the St. David’s High Street. Unfortunately though, the garden has been allowed to go a little ‘wild’ over the last few years with no management by man or beast, to the point where we couldn’t actually get into the main garden to explore the site! This means it has become mainly a monoculture of brambles which whilst serving as some habitat for nesting birds and producing some flowers for pollinators, it is no where near a rich biodiverse habitat as it could be.

Led by Revd Sophie Whitmarsh, under the authority of the Dean & Chapter at St. David’s Cathedral, and working with Jeremy from EcoDewi and a core group of local volunteers, the goal is to build a community garden open for the public to enjoy, whether that be local residents or visiting tourists. Whilst the final details will have to wait until we have cleared more, to really understand the lay of the land etc, there is a real hope to have a space for growing fruit and vegetables, space for growing flowers to be used in the Cathedral, plenty of different wildlife habitats and educational features, an area for families and kids to relax in, perhaps some artwork and space to just relax and contemplate. The Cathedral also hope to use the space for pilgrims to use and perhaps some outdoor services. So, plenty of uses and just loads of hard work required now to prepare the site and develop it!

Both the Cathedral and EcoDewi are keen to get as many locals involved as possible. Partly because we need the help to develop and maintain the site but also to ensure it has a real community spirit, with a sense of ownership from locals. If you are interested in volunteering orgetting involved somehow, please drop an email to and we can discuss options. Exciting times!

Posted in News, St Davids Garden Project.

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