EcoDewi exists to try to tackle the climate emergency and the biodiversity crisis whilst simultaneously improving community wellbeing in the St Davids Peninsula. It’s about local people … helping with local issues … and benefiting our local natural environment. And of course these benefits will all have a much wider reach, complementing other action to support our county, nation and the planet.

local people … helping with local issues … benefiting our local environment

The group began gathering thanks to the LEAF project, part of Pembrokeshire Community Energy, with a focus on producing locally-owned sustainable energy. However, as discussions developed on how it could help the community, it was very clear that there was so much more that could be done. As such the remit now focuses across the spectrum of improving our natural environment and supporting our community; beach cleans, wildlife conservation, community food growing, local sustainable energy and much more! We hope you will join us on our journey.

EcoDewi is keen to ensure it fully represents our community so is always keen to hear about your ideas and suggestions, new project ideas and to have discussions about the work we do. So, whatever your particular area of passion might be, or if you just want to be part of the solution, drop us a note and get involved!

Proud to follow others

EcoDewi is proud to follow in the footsteps of the St. Davids Eco City Group which for years worked hard to improve the local environment, encouraging the community of St Davids to get more involved and consider changing habits to benefit the environment. They explored a massive range of projects, often being way ahead of the curve, and whilst not all their projects succeeded they did inspire others to get involved.  Unfortunately the group ‘retired’ a few years ago, but we are really pleased that some of their key members are now helping to steer EcoDewi forwards in order to benefit the entire St Davids Peninsula and not just the city.

We want to ensure the work of St. Davids Eco City Group isn’t forgotten so have put together a timeline of their achievements until the formation of EcoDewi. Click HERE to check it out.

Meet the Team

Gill Lewis

Focus: Biodiversity projects

Brigit Thurstan

Focus: Treasurer

Jeremy Wadia

Focus: Biodiversity & Community Engagement

Becky Lloyd

Focus: Regenerative Tourism

Katy Fox

Focus: Beach Cleans

Dan Jones

Focus: Locally Produced Food

Paul Cowley

Focus: Community Energy

Geraint Michael

Focus: Circular Economy

Melanie Maloney

Focus: Community Orchards

Clare Wimperis

Andy Dixon

Focus: Marine Energy

Joe Kitchell

Focus: Web Management

In Memory of John Maloney

We wanted to offer our sincere gratitude to John Maloney who tragically passed away earlier this year. John has been involved in many community groups in St Davids and was part of the original Steering Group for EcoDewi, keen to help particularly with community energy projects. Whilst we are still to ‘crack the nut’ when it comes to community energy, we will always been grateful for his support in looking at planning requirements for an initial community solar project, as well as of course his friendship and drive to improve our community. Our thoughts are with Melanie and their children.

Our Partners

EcoDewi is proud to be working with a variety of organisations, each in different ways. Some we are affiliated with or members of, some we are collaborating with on projects and others we just really get on well with! We believe collaboration is the only way to succeed. So, if you represent an organisation, whether a small community group or larger organisation, and are interested in collaborating, please drop us a note at